All files / app/utils validation.ts

84.21% Statements 16/19
66.66% Branches 4/6
75% Functions 3/4
80% Lines 12/15

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// taken from backend
export const nameValidationPattern = /\S+/;
export const usernameValidationPattern = /^[a-z][0-9a-z_]*[a-z0-9]$/i;
export const validatePassword = (password: string) => {
  return password.length >= 8 && password.length < 256;
export const emailValidationPattern =
export const timePattern = /\d{2}:\d{2}/;
export function validatePastDate(stringDate: string) {
  const date = new Date(stringDate);
  return !isNaN(date.getTime()) && date < new Date();
export function validateFutureDate(stringDate: string) {
  const date = new Date(stringDate);
  return !isNaN(date.getTime()) && date >= new Date();
export function lowercaseAndTrimField(name: string) {
  return name.trim().toLowerCase();