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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 | 205x 199x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 571x 571x 599x 599x 516x 33x 33x 82x 82x 82x 45x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 236x 82x 82x 82x 82x 2x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x 82x | import { ReferenceType } from "proto/references_pb"; // profiles/users export const languagesKey = "languages"; export const regionsKey = "regions"; export const badgesKey = "badges"; export const contributorFormInfoQueryKey = "contributorFormInfo"; export const accountInfoQueryKey = "accountInfo"; export const doNotEmailQueryKey = "doNotEmail"; export const tosQueryKey = "tos"; export const communityGuidelinesQueryKey = "communityGuidelines"; export const notificationSettingsQueryKey = "notificationSettings"; export function userKey(userId?: number) { return userId === undefined ? "user" : ["user", userId]; } export function liteUserKey(userId?: number) { return userId === undefined ? "liteUser" : ["liteUser", userId]; } export const liteUsersKey = (ids: number[]) => ["liteUsers", ...ids]; export function responseRateKey(userId: number) { return ["responseRate", userId]; } export const referencesGivenKey = (userId: number) => [ "referencesGiven", { userId }, ]; export const referencesReceivedBaseKey = "referencesReceived"; export interface ReferencesReceivedKeyInputs { userId: number; type: ReferenceType | "all"; } export const referencesReceivedKey = ({ userId, type, }: ReferencesReceivedKeyInputs) => [ referencesReceivedBaseKey, { type, userId }, ]; export const availableWriteReferencesKey = (userId: number) => [ "availableWriteReferences", { userId }, ]; export type FriendRequestType = "sent" | "received"; export const friendRequestKey = (type: FriendRequestType) => [ "friendRequests", { type }, ]; // communities export const communityKey = (id: number) => ["community", id]; export const subCommunitiesKey = (communityId: number) => [ "subCommunities", communityId, ]; export const communityGroupsKey = (communityId: number) => [ "communityGroups", communityId, ]; export const communityGuidesKey = (communityId: number) => [ "communityGuides", communityId, ]; export const communityPlacesKey = (communityId: number) => [ "communityPlaces", communityId, ]; export const communityDiscussionsKey = (communityId: number) => [ "communityDiscussions", communityId, ]; // Determines whether only some entities can be revealed or all can be revealed // with a fetch more button export type QueryType = "summary" | "all"; export const communityAdminsKey = (communityId: number, type: QueryType) => [ "communityAdmins", { communityId, type }, ]; export const communityMembersKey = (communityId: number) => [ "communityMembers", communityId, ]; export const communityNearbyUsersKey = (communityId: number) => [ "communityNearbyUsers", communityId, ]; export const communityEventsBaseKey = "communityEvents"; export const communityEventsKey = (communityId: number, type: QueryType) => [ communityEventsBaseKey, communityId, { type }, ]; // events export const eventKey = (eventId: number) => ["event", eventId]; export type EventsType = "upcoming" | "past"; export const eventsKey = (type: EventsType) => ["events", { type }]; export interface EventUsersInput { eventId: number; type: QueryType; } export const eventOrganizersBaseKey = "eventOrganizers"; export const eventOrganizersKey = ({ eventId, type }: EventUsersInput) => [ eventOrganizersBaseKey, eventId, { type }, ]; export const eventAttendeesBaseKey = "eventAttendees"; export const eventAttendeesKey = ({ eventId, type }: EventUsersInput) => [ eventAttendeesBaseKey, eventId, { type }, ]; export const discussionKey = (discussionId: number) => [ "discussion", discussionId, ]; export const threadKey = (threadId: number) => ["thread", threadId]; // messaging export const groupChatsListKey = "groupChatsList"; export const groupChatKey = (groupChatId: number) => ["groupChat", groupChatId]; export const groupChatMessagesKey = (groupChatId: number) => [ "groupChatMessages", groupChatId, ]; export const hostRequestsListKey = (filters?: { onlyActive: boolean; type: "all" | "hosting" | "surfing"; }) => (filters ? ["hostRequests", filters] : ["hostRequests"]); export const hostRequestKey = (id?: number) => ["hostRequest", id]; export const hostRequestMessagesKey = (id?: number) => [ "hostRequestMessages", id, ]; // Search export const searchQueryKey = (query?: string) => query ? ["search", query] : ["search"]; // User export const userCommunitiesKey = "userCommunities"; export const myEventsKey = (type: EventsType) => ["myEvents", { type }]; export const activeLoginsKey = "activeLogins"; // Badges export interface BadgeUsersInput { badgeId: string; } export const badgeUsersKey = ({ badgeId }: BadgeUsersInput) => [ "badgeUsers", badgeId, ]; |