All files / app/features/connections/friends useFriendRequests.ts

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import { friendRequestKey, FriendRequestType } from "features/queryKeys";
import { useLiteUsers } from "features/userQueries/useLiteUsers";
import { FriendRequest } from "proto/api_pb";
import { useQuery } from "react-query";
import { service } from "service";
export default function useFriendRequests(
  friendRequestType: FriendRequestType,
) {
  const {
    data: friendRequestLists,
    isLoading: isFriendReqLoading,
  } = useQuery<FriendRequest.AsObject[], Error>(
    async () => {
      const friendRequests = await service.api.listFriendRequests();
      return friendRequestType === "sent"
        ? friendRequests.sentList
        : friendRequests.receivedList;
  const userIds = (friendRequestLists ?? []).map(
    (friendReq) => friendReq.userId,
  const {
    data: liteUsersData,
    isLoading: isLiteUsersLoading,
    error: liteUserError,
  } = useLiteUsers(userIds);
  const errors = error
    ? [error.message, liteUserError?.message]
    : liteUserError?.message
      ? [liteUserError.message]
      : [];
  const isLoading = isFriendReqLoading || isLiteUsersLoading;
  const formattedFriendRequests = !liteUsersData
    ? []
    : (friendRequestLists ?? []).map((friendRequest) => ({
        friend: liteUsersData.get(friendRequest.userId),
  const data = !isLoading ? formattedFriendRequests : undefined;
  return {
    isError: !!errors.length,